Please check this page regularly for news and details about special events that we hold at the Selsdon Centre.
Popular regular meals include:
Janet's home cooked meals (£10 with dessert, tea/coffee) Live music event £15 inc meal, dessert and tea/coffee).
Friday 31st Bingo & Fish & Chips
Friday 14th Live music event (Barry Stevens) £15
Friday 28th Bingo & Fish & Chips
Friday 14th Live music event (Funky Fiddler) £15
Friday 28th Bingo & Fish & Chips
Friday 25th Tom the Cockney Carradine £15
Friday 16th Live music event (Croydon Guitar Group) £15
Friday 2nd Bingo & Fish & Chips
Friday 13th Live music event (singer tbc) £15
Friday 27th Bingo & Fish & Chips
Friday 11th Live music event (singer tbc) £15
Friday 25th Bingo & Fish & Chips
??? Live music event (date tbc) £15
Friday 29th Bingo & Fish & Chips
Friday 12th Live music event (singer tbc) £15
Friday 26th Bingo & Fish & Chips
Friday 24th Tom the Cockney Carradine £15
Friday 31st Bingo & Fish & Chips
Friday 14th Live music event (singer tbc) £15
Friday 28th Bingo & Fish & Chips
??? Croydon High School choir (date tbc)
Friday 12th Bingo & Fish & Chips
Friday 19th Christmas lunch (by invitation only)
We also have various popular board games available (Rummikub, Scrabble, Uno and other card games) plus Arts & Crafts are offered on Mondays (1-2pm). Book with office in advance for tea, cake and craft with Susan. There is also a Bridge club (Monday afternoons) for experienced players and Selsdon Art Club meets once a month (2nd Thursday). The Hard of hearing team holds a monthly clinic (Tel: 0208 686 0049 or email: and NCT hold regular courses. We also run weekly foot care sessions on a Monday by Tina including foot massage, filing and toenail cutting to be booked in advance at the Centre or by calling the office. We now have a trm-time hairdresser every Friday (appointments between 10 and 2.30). Chair yoga is by Veronica on Mondays (9.30-10.30); Tuesdays (10-11) and Wednesdays (2.30-3.30) book on 07803 728868 or email: Computer, tablet and smart phone training is by Muskaan (to be booked in advance via the office)
Selsdon Centre office: 0208 651 1111 or email: for bookings or further information.